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Red: Orange: Yellow: Green: Blue: Purple:
This puzzle has an interactive element. At the top are 6 checkboxes next to color labels Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple. Below the checkboxes is a diagram with 19 circles forming a regular 19-gon. Each checkbox toggles the visibility of the correspondingly-colored arrows in the diagram.
In the following descriptions of arrows, the circle at the "top" of the 19-gon is called 1, and the others are numbered 2, 3, 4... 19 going clockwise.
Red arrows:
2 points to 12.
5 points to itself and 19.
8 points to 15.
10 points to 15.
12 points to 5.
15 points to 2, 10, 11, and itself.
19 points to 15.
Orange arrows:
1 points to 2 and 12.
2 points to 12.
4 points to 17.
9 points to 1.
12 points to 4 and 8.
17 points to 9.
Yellow arrows:
1 points to 8.
2 points to 5.
5 points to 11.
7 points to 2.
8 points to 16 and 19.
11 points to 8 and 17.
17 points to 1.
19 points to 7.
Green arrows:
4 points to 19.
5 points to 4.
6 points to 1.
8 points to 5.
19 points to 6.
Blue arrows:
4 points to 5.
5 points to 13 and 18.
13 points to 5 and 19.
15 points to 8.
18 points to 4, 13, and itself.
19 points to 15.
Purple arrows:
1 points to itself and 4.
4 points to itself and 19.
9 points to 3.
13 points to 1.
14 points to 15.
15 points to 18.
18 points to 9.
19 points to 14 and itself.