Oh nice, Cardinality expertly uncorks puzzles, oughta number about thirty-ish. Mathemagicians eager!
Track | Expert |
Rank | 319 |
Solved | 8 |
Hints Remaining | 32 |
Team Members
Zimodo, DadJokes, Hwaryu, Strange, rachaar, oofbyinductionPuzzle | Incorrect guesses | Unlock time (local) | Time to solve | Solve time (local) |
Characters | 1 | 12/1/23, 11:00:00 PM | 36m28s | 12/1/23, 11:36:28 PM |
The Bakery | 1 | 12/1/23, 11:00:00 PM | 1h39m | 12/2/23, 12:39:23 AM |
Steering Committee | 0 | 12/2/23, 12:39:24 AM | 28m22s | 12/2/23, 1:07:46 AM |
Link's Final Stand | 0 | 12/1/23, 11:00:00 PM | 47h56m | 12/3/23, 10:56:18 PM |
Into the Woods (META) | 0 | 12/3/23, 10:56:19 PM | 9h2m | 12/4/23, 7:58:31 AM |
Twisty Path | 0 | 12/4/23, 7:58:32 AM | 12h50m | 12/4/23, 8:49:00 PM |
Front and Center | 0 | 12/4/23, 7:58:32 AM | 26h17m | 12/5/23, 10:15:51 AM |
Fruit Math | 0 | 12/5/23, 10:15:51 AM | 129h52m | 12/10/23, 8:08:34 PM |